Thursday, February 17, 2011

Painted Memories - A 60's childhood in St Andrews, Scotland - done at last!

My first book. Done at last. In the photo here, the slightly shiny cover is reflecting the camera flash, making it look washed out. Really, it's quite rich colours with psychadelic 60's flower-power flowers.
I have shown the book to a lot of people and everyone is amazed at the quality. The layout software was a pleasure to use and has enabled me to create pages that support the paintings effectively. The colours are really very good and the binding feels and looks beautiful. Best of all, I like the personal handwriting font - it really 'makes' the book. 
You don't have to buy a copy to see it - you can view the whole book on-line (click on the link in the side bar at right) though of course it's not the same as musing over a personal copy while enjoying a cuppa in the sun or by the fire.
Blurb does not seem to recognise fluctuating exchange rates so purchasers should check which currency would be cheapest for them to purchase in - for Australian purchasers, it would definately be $US.
Also - I recommend a hardcover copy as the binding is stitched as well as glued. The softback binding is only glued. The hardback with dustjacket version will have no title on the linen cover itself - so all in all, I recommend the hardback, wrap-around cover. Copies arrive within two to three weeks.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations. It looks beautifull!

Hashi said...

Alison, I don't see a link ...

Hashi said...

Oop! Now I see the link! (Sorry, I was looking for hypertext in your post). GREAT BOOK!!

annie said...

Oh, Yay, Alison. I've been waiting, with the rest of us, to see this. So exciting.


PatriciaG said...

Really beautiful and special book. What a joy. Congratulations.

Peceli and Wendy's Blog said...

What a wonderful achievement. Most of us just dream on and the drawings gather dust (or today's gale toss them all over the place on the enclosed verandah). No spare pocket money at present until Canberra's Immigration Office grant permanent visas for five of our mob so that three of them can work!

annie said...

Hi Alison. Your book just arrived by truck, and I had to stop in the middle of it to thank you for doing it. I am so enjoying this trip, again, into your childhood. The pictures taken from a child's view are enchanting.

Bridget Hunter said...

What a wonderful book.

Sarah said...

I'm so excited to see the book on the blog! I'm a bit behind times I know but I shall your blog to get back to keeping up!
Congratulations on the book!
I'm looking forward to it being available!

Clare said...

Alison! Hey...It's absolutely Wonderful!!!! I have read it from front to back twice and now want a copy for myself! I have only just discovered it through clicking on your link on our old moly_x_25 blog.
I hope you don't mind but I blogged about my find there as well. Almost every memory of yours took me back in time to my own childhood. I would love to do something like this for my family to keep. Thanks for the Memories. ;)

Sadami said...

Dear Allison,
Congra~~ts!! Enjoy your achievements and share them with others. With all my heart, congrats!
Kind regards,Sadami

mrana said...

wow, congratulations, it's beautiful!

Unknown said...

HI Alisson - a friend from your past!! Hope you get this message - Iam Ann Carstens(nee Olivier) - we used to go to Point Hut together in the early seventies!! I'm from South Africa - we did write letters to one another for a few years and it then fizzled out - would love to get in touch again. Contact me on my ggogle account. Cheers

annie said...

Hi Alison, from Annie. Fortenberry, Saw this from Ann Carsteins and so am signing in, also here. Wonder about you and hope all is well. Keep in touch with Wendy Ratawa on Face Book. Best to you. Annie

Unknown said...

Ann Carstens
Hi Alison. I would like to determine if you are the Alison Horridge who went to CEGGS with me from approx 1965-1971 . I'm visiting Canberra in July/ August this year and would like to catch up a little down memory lane. My maiden name is Olivier and I come from South Africa. Really hope to make contact. Cheers Ann Carstens