Jako has tagged me.
My closet is too boring (it's really my DH's space) so here's a tiny selection of what's beside my bed. A lamp that was passed to me - I didn't choose it but it has a certain charm.

And Clown, recently retrieved from a box of childhood toys; a 'nose' my son made with help from my brother, for resting my glasses on; a tub of Nivea - I'm addicted to the beautiful blue and a glass of water that I now can't reliably use as I can never remember whether I've used it to wash my painting brush in!

And here is my fridge - full of - too, too much- I don't want to think about it - but today particularly featuring one lovely green lettuce; eggs our hens didn't lay since they have been twice taken by foxes so the hen-run is vacant; pink, plum fluff, just made - from my father's plums and a can of Carnation milk; gravy waiting for sausages to be added - a meal for my parents so my Dad doesn't have to cook so much as well as care for Mum, and a red pencil on a piece of string so everyone can add to the shopping list.

And I don't have a car but my studio is a converted carport. It has
everything in it (except food which would bring in the cockroaches). Featuring today, scissors (17 pairs somewhere, here badly drawn because I couldn't actually find any); Clothilda, my muse; my sewing machine; the 'last elephant'?(Ihope not), made in Africa from a Mortein(insect spray)can; and a headline from the newspaper - 'Missing Mother Found'. Note the sign by the door - it catches my 'I want to do art but sometimes I just don't get started' dilemma.
I don't know who else to tag. A lot of people have done it recently. If you haven't, go ahead - it's fun - 5 things each in your closet, car and fridge - or anywhere - you don't have to draw them.
Brilliant! I love the idea of drawing the items in your tag lists.
great drawings...and I love your "GO" sign!
Thanks for your comments Alison. This list is really extensive! I like the Missing Mother Found - summons up a picture of you buried under a mountain of arty materials!
These drawn tags are so clever!! great stuff!
Okay Alison, I am looking for more laughs form your memory book....(hear that sound, it's fingers drumming on the table :>)
Excellent work! And such a lot of it. I particularly like your fridge, with just a touch of colour. I love the brown eggs!
Really cool sketches and commentary!
Love the fridge drawing - I realy like the way you've just added a little colour here and there - and in my attempt I did something very similar. Your work is really good.
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